islamic videos

10 months ago

Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) is considered the last prophet in Islam and the founder of the Islamic faith. He was born in Mecca in present-day Saudi Arabia in the year 570 CE. At the age of 40, he received his first divine revelation from Allah (God) through the angel Gabriel while he was meditating in the cave of Hira. This event marked the beginning of his prophethood.

Regarding the incident with a jinn (jin), there are various accounts and stories in Islamic tradition. One such story is about an encounter between Prophet Muhammad and a jinn during his preaching and mission to invite people to Islam. Here's a brief description of the incident:

Once, during his stay in Medina, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was reciting the Quran to a group of people. As he recited the verses about Allah's power and majesty, a jinn, who had been listening to him, was deeply moved by the words of God. The jinn, like humans, have free will and can choose between good and evil.

Upon hearing the Quran, the jinn realized the truth of Islam and the message of monotheism. He was impressed by the eloquence and power of the verses, and he felt a strong desire to accept the faith. This particular jinn had been causing mischief and harm to people before, but now he wanted to change his ways and seek forgiveness from Allah.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) welcomed the jinn and allowed him to become a Muslim. The jinn learned more about Islam from the Prophet and became one of his followers. The incident highlights the universality of Islam's message, as it even encompasses the supernatural beings like jinn.

It's essential to note that stories involving jinn encounters with the Prophet Muhammad are part of Islamic tradition, but the specific details and variations may vary in different accounts. These stories aim to emphasize the power of Allah's message and the inclusivity of Islam to all beings, human or otherwise, who choose to accept it.

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