islamic videos

1 year ago

Hazrat Umar ibn al-Khattab, also known as Umar the Great, was the second Caliph of Islam and one of the most influential and respected figures in Islamic history. His reign lasted from 634 to 644 CE. There are many stories and incidents that illustrate his wisdom, justice, and piety. One such famous incident is the story of Umar's encounter with a madman.

One day during his caliphate, Umar was walking in the streets of Madinah when he came across a man who was known to be mentally disturbed. The man was known to be unpredictable and sometimes aggressive, causing people to avoid him out of fear. Despite his condition, Umar treated everyone with compassion and fairness, so he decided to approach the man.

As Umar approached the madman, he noticed that the man was agitated and behaving erratically. Instead of reacting with fear or contempt, Umar calmly engaged the man in conversation. He asked the man about his well-being, his needs, and his situation. The man, not recognizing Umar as the Caliph, responded incoherently and with confusion.

Umar listened attentively, showing empathy and kindness to the man. He then noticed that the man's clothes were in tatters and he appeared hungry. Umar instructed one of his companions to bring some food and water for the man. The companion did so, and the man, who was hungry, eagerly ate the food.

Seeing the madman in this vulnerable state, Umar recognized that the man was not in control of his faculties and thus not accountable for his actions. Instead of punishing him for any harm he might have caused in the past, Umar decided to take a more compassionate approach.

Umar then instructed his companion to find some comfortable clothes and new garments for the man. The companion followed Umar's orders and brought new clothes. Umar personally helped the man wear the new clothes and treated him with the utmost respect and dignity.

The people around Umar were astonished by his behavior and questioned why he showed such kindness to a man whom others despised. Umar replied with wisdom, saying, "He is not mad; rather, he has experienced something that you are not aware of. Allah has cured him, while He could have done so with one of you."

Through this incident, Umar exemplified the Islamic principles of mercy, compassion, and empathy for those who are vulnerable or suffering from mental illness. He showed that every human being, regardless of their condition, deserves respect and care. This story is just one of many that highlight Umar's profound sense of justice and his commitment to the well-being of all people under his leadership.

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