Harnessing the Power of Generative AI for Business Innovation

10 months ago

Generative AI models have the potential to transform businesses by automating routine tasks, creating new content and generating novel ideas. However, it is important for organizations to develop responsible and ethical generative AI strategies that maximize benefits while mitigating risks.
In this video, Darío Gil outlines key principles to guide the adoption of generative AI technologies:
• Transparency - Ensure models are explainable and the outputs are reviewed by humans.
• Oversight - Establish governance processes and multi-stakeholder oversight boards.
• Alignment - Build models that reflect your organization's values and goals.
• Robustness - Test models rigorously to identify and mitigate biases or unsafe outputs.
• Stewardship - Take responsibility for the impact of your generative AI applications.
IBM is working to develop generative AI capabilities that adhere to these principles through advances in self-supervised learning, foundation models and their new data and AI platform. With a responsible approach, generative AI has tremendous potential to drive business innovation - from automating workflows to discovering new ideas and insights from data.

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