TSG Ep 51 - Angels In America W/ Vlynn + Mic of The Patriot Party Podcast

1 year ago

In this episode we got to hear an amazing story from Vlynn and Mic, the husband and wife duo behind The Patriot Party Podcast. They have had an incredible experience where they feel they were contacted by angels and have met others across America who are conduits for angels as well. It's a wild story and they even continue to have ongoing experiences. We also got into Mic's ability to see colours around humans, animals, and even plants and how the pokey thing of the last few years has effected the colour emanating from poked people. I love how the conversation led to a discussion of what do the labels of good and evil really mean, the role of church versus faith, and much more.

More From Vlynn + Mic

Links For The Spiritual Gangsters

Links For The Occult Rejects and The NY Patriot Show

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