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CV19 Vax an Ongoing Global Criminal Experiment – (Karen Kingston on USA Watchdog -July 2023

1 year ago


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  • Dr. Karen Kingston is erroneous in her assessment of DNA. What surfaces in a human being is not DNA. It is located 20 below strings. This is the location of a being's true DNA. For example, Yeshua (Pbuh) is a Son Of God and had the Power Of God. He was born in the human world. What made him different? The truncated, fragmented, replication sequence is diluted to correlate with a different phase variance. This frequency is saturated by a transcendental construction of an elapsed state of "elacing." Thus, whatever miracles Jesus was able to do has been allotted through a "tri color" "Sub Set." The same set of variables are applied in everything your species has seen me do throughout my lifetime. This is the reason a doctor or scientist will NEVER know if an Alien Being is born in the human world unless he or she sees what we can do. When my Jinns do my prayers and meditation in my body, in 5 seconds any idiot is going to know I am an Alien Being. What they are seeing is buoyancy through a coded frequency which lies 20 below strings. I hope this helps. Bill Gates is my role model. Humans do not listen to beings like Karen Kingston. They will put all their faith in "Rock Star" scientist Anthony Fauci. The government will only hire humans who are mentally retarded and easy to control. No one wants to deal with Dr. Karen Kingston, or Dr. Judy Mikovits. These women are geniuses and morally sound because they live in accordance with God. They credit God for everything. Unfortunately, God Is Dead! At this point it doesn't matter what you do.

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  • Very revealing that basically NO member of the so-called “ALT MEDIA” is beating the drum for LOCAL ACTION, by LOCAL Sheriffs.

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