How Do YOU Handle Pricing Errors When Game Hunting?

1 year ago

You know the old saying, if it's too good to be true it probably is? I recently had one of these situations, but it was something completely understandable. I was out game hunting recently, I thought that I had caught one of our local stores severely underpricing something, something I have had my eye on for a while. What was it?

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (SotN) on the original PlayStation is a game that I passed on years ago when it was only $60. I wasn't going to spend that much on a game! Then I've seen what that game has gone for recently, I should have spent the $60 then. Well, while I was game hunting recently, one of our local stores had a copy of Symphony of the Night behind a glass showcase. I looked at it, and when I saw the price I did a double-take. Then another double-take. Is that a quadruple take?

According to my GamEye app, Symphony of the Night is a $146 game with a case and an instruction manual. The store had it priced at $46.99, way underpriced. I told them I would take it, and proceeded to check out some other games. While I was looking, the manager on duty came over to me and mentioned to me that he needed to talk. We talk all the time so I didn't think anything of it.

"We can't sell it to you for that price".

"Sure you can, it's the price that's on it, why can't you?"

"Well, it's the wrong price tag. If you take a look here you can see that it clearly says Splatoon on it. Someone put the wrong sticker on the wrong game. That's less than what we paid for it and we can't sell it for that. But I'll sell it to you for a fair price where we're at least breaking even."

He told me the price, and while still reasonable, I wasn't going to do them like that. They're a good store, they've helped me out in the past, and honest mistakes happen. I look at this as an honest mistake, it wasn't something where someone priced it incorrectly for Symphony of the Night, it literally had the wrong game's price tag on it.

Would I have liked to pick up a copy of Symphony of the Night for only $46? Absolutely! Was I going to burn a local store because of it? Absolutely not. I will keep hunting, eventually, I will own a copy of this game, but what would you have done in this situation?

#SymphonyOfTheNight #Castlevania #Playstation #RareGames #GameHunting #VideoGames #FYP #fypã‚·

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