Moco Resistance: Episode 6, July 23, 2023 "Restore Opt-Out Now!"

1 year ago

- Restore Opt-Out Now! -

The MoCo Board of Education is doubling down on ignoring the plead of parents who want their 1st Amendment rights to be respected. Parents of all faiths, creeds, backgrounds, and ethnicities are uniting to fight this tyranny from the BOE, MCPS, and the County Council. Local media outlets are covering for the woke/progressive/democrat agenda and are unjustly vilifying these parents and any organization that challenges the indoctrination of our children. It's outright criminal what they're doing.

We also take a look at the the Rent Stabilization Bill 15-23 that was passed last week and the economic repercussions it will have on the county's already weak economy.

Montgomery perspective:

Bill 15-23: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/


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