DWAC'D Live! Episode 63: DWAC Update with CEO Eric Swider

Streamed on:

Eric Swider, DWAC's CEO, joins the stream to discuss the many happenings of DWAC in the last 2 weeks.

🔹Link to DEF 14A Filing: Definitive Proxy Statement (July 14th)

🔹Link to Settlement 8-K (July 21st)

🔹Be sure to join the Official DWAC Group on Truth Social https://truthsocial.com/group/dwac

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@eswider @mycreativewaves @thealexcano @kchiles @EJPREBLE73 @repmeuser @PepeChurches @markwillis @jimmyjimmerson @chadnedohin @NorthStarFP @ RISKMANGR @tskiple @DL357 @Rub3rbandman @MokeGREEZ @RatDog2020 @jamilajo @jeremyspringer @KathyAZ @froggie45 @pluter78 @SarahInWP @DeantheMachine @bgus @AllianceSean @signfarmscott @the_music_rescue_mission @kells9700 @IKilledKenny @hotcake22 @Stefanoguizzetti @awood

🔹What is DWAC?

DWAC = Digital World Acquisition Corporation

Truth Social is owned by TMTG (Trump Media and Technology Group). TMTG is trying to merge with #DWAC (Digital World Acquisition Corporation) the public company in which you can buy stock.

Once complete, the merger would provide up to $1.15B of capital to TMTG to grow Truth Social and TMTG’s planned news and streaming services.

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