22 Jul- Ukrainians DESTROY CRIMEAN SUPPLIES OF AMMO - War in Ukraine Explained

10 months ago

As of September 2021, Ukraine was facing an ongoing conflict with Russia in the eastern region of the country known as Donbass. The conflict started in 2014 and has resulted in thousands of deaths and widespread destruction.

Crimea, a region in the south of Ukraine, was annexed by Russia in 2014 following a controversial referendum. The annexation was not recognized by Ukraine or the international community, and the situation has remained tense ever since.

Regarding the incident you mentioned on July 22, 2023, I do not have any specific information about Ukrainians destroying Crimean supplies of ammunition. It's essential to verify such events with credible and up-to-date news sources.

For the most current information on the War in Ukraine or any other geopolitical events, I recommend checking reliable news outlets and official government sources. The situation in conflict zones can change rapidly, and accurate reporting is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of ongoing events.

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