Charge; The Enemy of My Enemy

1 year ago

The illustrated novel featuring the panels used the Madking's Alchemical Deck and more: Helluva Guy: The Halls of Amenti. Follow Jason on the alchemical journey to transform his soul and unite with his Holy Guardian Angel; or fail and be left to the demons of the outer realms to dissipate into the void.

A bit more angel technical with the Substack hardcopy of dreams written:

Madking's Alchemical Delta: How to Ascend the Tree of Life to Reach Your Holy Guardian Angel:
$2.99 Author Profits go to Empower Us Ministries for election integrity and animal rescue. Free with Kindle Unlimited.
Now in paperback for quite a bit more; but actually a magic number next to the minimum price for extended distribution of a full color paperback that takes your through the alchemical tarot on your ascent of the Tree of Life. And again, all author proceeds go to bettering the world.
Same with Helluva Guy






Each arrow is an hour of meditation. If you do them you'll dream like I do, It's a snapshot of heaven. You do not have to stop anything that you are doing to focus your mind. They are labeled in phases so you can go back to get a fuller picture. But you do not need to, to get a tether to another plane of gamma consciousness and lucid dream.

Phase Eighteen
→LIAH is on a red glowing platform, she tells you may not yet be ready to progress. A light green level opens up above you. If you are female she merges with you. If you are male she flies on ahead.
→You follow. When you get there , there is a young appearing black couple called UV-MNKF. They tell you you cannot progress until you forgo all hustling. They are telling you here, before you are barred at the yellow step. Meditate upon not coveting anything. The one that is your sex merges with you. The other one flies up to a white step.
→You follow. When you get there, there is a large built female angel named UW over old egos. She says you must teach what you have learned. You must not hold on to old patterns. If you are female she merges with you. If you are male she flies up to a dark green step.
→You follow; but there is now a metal female of light blue named UM [Oom]. She says you cannot progress unless you hold onto your purpose. If you are female she merges with you, if you are male she flies up to a dark blue step.
→You go to the dark blue step. When you get there LIAH combines with the MNKF and UW into a singular angel of light called UN. She asks: “Are you ready to break to become more beautiful? This is the only real question as to why; because you are willing.” If you are female she merges with you. If you are male she flies on to ascend to a yellow platform.
→You fly up to the yellow platform. When you get there you see E. She looks like a karate instructor carved out of wood. She says you must commit yourself completely to training. This is the gold that shines through the path of broken bowls. If you are female she merges with you. If you are male she ascends to an orange platform above you.
→When you reach the orange platform there is a Japanese angel named EI with dyed red hair and an orange gi. He says for the serendipity you need it will require obedience. If you are male he merges with you. If you are female, he flies on ahead to a light blue platform.
→You ascend to the light blue platform. Here is EY-IChIM. She is a psychedelic, technological angel connected to the foundational formulas that the universe is constructed upon. She says every moment is perfectly created to craft you; if you fall into its demand. If you are female she merges with you. If you are male, she ascends to a dark blue platform.
→ You get up to the blue platform to see a white angel with brunette curly hair named D-SYDM. She tells you to learn, you must also teach. If you are female she merges with you. If you are male she ascends up to a glowing. orange platform.
→When you get up to the orange platform there is a male angel DA-VSD. He says he is over time traps. And if you stop the path, you will suffer to regain it. If you are male he merges with you. If you are female, he goes on ahead to a purple glowing platform.
→Upon the purple platform a female angel, DE, who tells you that all conflict will be made right if you have the courage to walk into it, If you are female DE merges with you. If you are male she ascends to a glowing, dark green platform
→You ascend a magnificent height to a glowing, dark green platform. There is a female angel with black pixie cut hair in blue armor. This is Ng. She tells you to still yourself and wait for the right moment.

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