The Children of Light & the Mammon of Iniquity: 8th Sunday Pentecost-FrStanislausOfGuadalupe 7/23/23

10 months ago

There is so much in the world that is captivating! What an amazing Creator He Is and He made it all fo us to enjoy. Yet, by doing so and maybe becoming successful in this grand creation He intended for us to properly use, can sometimes become so attached to the things of the world: wealth, love, success, even happiness constantly seeking to enjoy God's Creation because "you only live once", yet how does one remain a Child of God...a Child of The Light? St. Paul reminds us in this week's Epistle that we are debtors to our adoptive Father, who is God, thus making us His "heirs" as well but it isn't free--we rightly "owe" a loving, dutiful debt to Him. Those who have recieved the Grace to properly understand, believe, and live in this way are "The Children of The Light" as instructed in today's Gospel from St. Lukle. However, as Fr. Stanislaus explains in today's tough sermon, our Lord presents the worldly truth of the Children of Iniquity- of Wickedness...Mammon! What is this "mammon" our Lord speaks of throgh parable? "Mammon" is an Aramaic word that means "wealth or riches or excess". How does someone remain a "child of The Light" and enjoy the captivation of the many things of the world that our good and gracious God has created for us? The answer is to always remember and perform the Corporal Acts of Mercy. Father explains this tough lesson through the witness of his sacerdotal ministry.
Please always remember our mission here in the Ecclessiastical Province of Detroit and if you are able we are in need and lack many things. No matter how you might feel about this ministry we are indeed "the least" of the Brethren. Please consider a donation to us. We are a tax-exempt, 501 (c) (3) religious non-profit. God bless you and God love you!

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