Xie Feng: The PRC seeks to maintain a good relationship with Russia

11 months ago

7/19/2023 Communist China’s new ambassador to the U.S., Xie Feng, stated that the PRC seeks to maintain a good relationship with Russia and doesn’t want to get involved in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. When the host asked if Russia's invasion of Ukraine is also legitimate given the CCP's concerns about its own sovereignty and borders, Xie Feng evaded the question and failed to provide any straightforward responses regarding the CCP's double standards. However, Miles Guo had long told the world that the CCP offered military aid to Russia during its invasion of Ukraine.
#XieFeng #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
7/19/2023 中共国新任驻美大使谢锋称中共要和俄罗斯保持良好关系并声称中方不想卷入俄乌冲突。当主持人问道,既然中共很关心自己的主权和边境,那么俄罗斯入侵乌克兰是否合法?谢锋对中共的双标做法闪烁其词,并没有直接回答问题。而郭文贵先生早就爆出,中共为俄入侵乌提供了军事援助!
#谢锋 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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