Xie Feng: PRC's export ban on key materials is a retaliatory action in response to U.S. sanctions

10 months ago

7/19/2023 Communist China's newly appointed ambassador to the U.S., Xie Feng, argued that the PRC's ban on exporting materials needed by the U.S. is a retaliatory action in response to U.S. sanctions on the CCP. He mentioned that the PRC wants to bid farewell to the "iron curtain" and the "silicon curtain". Does this indicate that the CCP intends to confront the U.S. to the end?
#XieFeng #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
7/19/2023 中共国新任驻美大使谢锋称,中共限制对美国需要的材料的出口是对美国对其制裁以牙还牙的反制手段,中共国要告别"铁幕"和"硅幕"。这意味着中共要和美国对抗到底吗?
#谢锋 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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