HHLH Podcast Episode 034 – The Beerpisode

1 year ago

In this episode of Half-Hour Liberty Hour, the Dynamically Drunken Duo change things a bit with a beer-focused episode. Using Charlie Papazian’s Unspoken Passion recipe (http://www.brettgorley.com/blog/?p=1055), Brett and Rob walk you through the basics of making a batch of homebrew. Although they forget to discuss some very important issues when making beer (such as proper cleaning and sanitation, the equipment necessary for brewing, etc.), hopefully you are pushed into experimenting with homebrewing yourself by this episode. And of course, they have to talk about politics. In this episode you will learn:

-How beer saved the world
-The (very) basics of homebrewing
-What has been going on in the lives of Brett and Rob since last summer
-How homebrewing can help lead you to living a more liberty lifestyle
-A brief history of homebrewing

So sit back, relax, have a beer if you can, and maybe you’ll be inspired to start homebrewing yourself.

This Episode’s Drink of Choice: Beer and lots of it (Ninkasi Total Domination IPA)
(Published 25 January 2019)

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