The Matrix Concept of Andrew Tate: Fact or Fiction?

1 year ago

🌍 East or West, republic or communist, right or left, Black or white - these labels don't define me. I'm just a human being, a citizen of this world, carrying a spark of humanity within me. 💫

📢 Celebrities silenced for voicing their opinions - is this a breach of freedom of speech or a necessary measure? What's your take? 🤔

🦠 The pandemic has been declared a sensitive topic, limiting public discussions. But what about our safety measures? Masks on or off? Stay home, stay safe - is this the new normal? 😷🏠

💉 Locals seem to know more about the booster vaccine than the government. Now, it's available for anyone under 18. What are your thoughts?

🇫🇷 The riots in France and the mysterious submarine disappearance - are these just distractions from the real issues at hand?

✊ The Guardian questions: "White people say they want to be an ally to Black people. But are they ready for sacrifice?". Is #blacklivesmatter just a spectacle when millions are being looted from all people?

⚖️ The rise in male victims sheds light on the dark side of gender politics. Are we witnessing the evil face of genderism?

Remember to share your thoughts and join the conversation!

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