In A World of Magiks Be The Scarlet Witch | Deck Guide Marvel Snap

1 year ago

Magik and Scarlet Witch team up to fake out our opponents in this hilarious deck in Marvel Snap.
Deck Code Below

The gameplan is to take advantage of the popularity of Magik in the current meta and use Scarlet Witch to have control over if the game goes to the final turn or not. We can use Sera and Iron Man to unlock powerful combos in the final turns, or use Scarlet Witch and control cards like Enchantress and Shang Chi to surprise our opponents and end the game early. Watch along with the video guide tos ee how to build the Magik Witch deck, how to play it to win, and climb to infinite rank.

Deck Code:
My Discord:

0:00 - Magik Witch Deck
2:15 - Game 1 (Vs Thanos)
5:08 - Game 2 (Vs Control)
9:15 - Game 3 (Vs Shuri)
13:38 - Game 4 (Vs Discard)

#scarletwitch, #marvelsnap, #MARVELSNAPCreator
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