JfK Solving the Crime of the Century - Ryder Lee, Jay Weidner & Typical Skeptic Podcast

1 year ago

💥💥💥Link for the documentary JFK X documentary:
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B8TFKP55/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_d_asin_title_o00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 💥💥💥

Ryder Lee Bio:
🛸✅JFK X is Ryder Lee’s debut film which he directed and edited. Ryder is an aspiring young researcher and filmmaker with a deep understanding of many of our modern-day complex issues and theories

🛸✅Jay Weidner Bio:
Called by Wired Magazine “an authority on the hermetic and alchemical traditions and an erudite conspiracy hunter,” Jay Weidner is a renowned filmmaker, author and scholar.

🛸✅JFK X Movie Bio:
Renowned filmmaker Jay Weidner, who previously revealed the truth behind the moon landings, unveils JFK X with filmmaking partner Ryder Lee, in his stunning directorial debut. The filmmakers created a captivating story with original editing to create a film that solves the crime of the century. JFK X goes into details of the assassination never before seen or explored by any
researchers. Challenging, provocative and controversial, JFK X will blow your mind and solve once and for all, one of the most controversial events that shaped our modern world.

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