A Lovely Day

11 months ago

I hope you have a lovely day… those words were spoken in kindness to me, and a word echoed in my soul, the word “lovely”! I thought, what is my perfect “lovely” day? But then I knew, there is nothing perfect here in this world that I am in but not of. Yet, not everything perfect is dependent upon our circumstances, there is a huge variable that is not. God is perfect, I am not. Yet, God is always with me, He chose me, imperfect and all, He loves me. Lovely is the heart of God, that is never withdrawn from us, that attractive love we find in His Presence that draws us to Him in that magnetic way.

“My cherished bride, I am the beautiful spirit of all life! I offer Myself, all that I am to you each day through the possibility and purity of My love. My love for you is complete, a wholesome devotion expressed by My Holy Spirit, Who lives inside of you. Daily, I grant you a righteous, divine character through your holy alliance with My Spirit.” The Bridegroom’s Voice

What is lovely to you? Lovely to me is God’s Presence, that purity of righteousness found no where else, a holiness that when we get heart to heart with God, refreshes our human conditioned soul. Lovely, is the “always presence” of God in our lives, no matter what our situation prescribes, His Presence lifts us higher than the dark redacted script of our circumstances, and enlightens every dark place.

“The wisdom I impart to you today, My bride, is for you to always look beyond the façade of prettiness in your world and find My beautiful spirit of life! See the reflection of My Image in all things and seek out the beauty of My person and you will discover the true, beautiful spirit of life on earth as it is in heaven. My church, always be found in Me and I will enlighten your heart and nurture your spirit with an incredible security, a stability surpassing all your human understanding, a peace that I freely give you out of My inner heart of grace. How beautiful is the glorious Bride of Christ!” The Bridegroom’s Voice

The enemy can’t steal our light when we choose to be positioned in the effervescent glory of God, heart to heart with God, in personal relationship with God. This is lovely… this is a lovely and beautiful thing, the Omnipresence of our God, stolen by no one and nothing can dim it. This makes for a lovely day. What loveliness has been abundantly showered upon us by our God? His Love… unconditionally, simply-significantly so.

For the Lord God is brighter than the brilliance of a sunrise! Wrapping himself around me like a shield, he is so generous with his gifts of grace and glory. Those who walk along his paths with integrity will never lack one thing they need, for he provides it all! O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, what euphoria fills those who forever trust in you! Psalms 84:11-12

Lovely! God, You Are So Lovely. Beautiful in character, holy, pleasing in joy, inspiring in love, and lovely in Your affection towards us. Your nature charms us, delights us, allures us and Your amazing character is constantly seen and encouraging us to be lovely like You in goodness, kindness, wisdom, righteousness, peace and joy. You, Lord Jesus inspire our love and affection, and Your purity of righteousness leads us with a heavenly loveliness that infuses our human condition, with strength to say no to our flesh and yes to Your Kingdom living. It is absolutely lovely to be alert to Your Presence, the beautiful spirit of life. What a lovely day it makes.

“I will write My word upon your heart, encouraging and inspiring you unto good works. Church, I encourage you to daily apply My wisdom to your soul and I, in turn, will inscribe My sovereign will on your spirit and strengthen the steadfastness of your character in My holiness. My bride, I encourage you to refresh and purify the emotions of your soul daily as you commune with My beautiful Spirit of life, heart-to-heart.”#TheBridegroomsVoice KimberlyMac

The world at times is not a lovely place, mostly in this life season we find ourselves thrust in, where good has been flip-flopped by evil to be bad and bad flip-flopped to be good, it makes for a horrifically corrupted human condition… not exactly lovely living. It muddies our soul as we focus on the shock of its depravity, therefore we lift our eyes higher to the beauty of life, to the Presence of our God. Our worldly viewpoint at times is deplorable, but our Kingdom perspective at all times is lovely. Wherever God is, and He is Omnipresent with us, this is so very lovely.
“My bride, there will be times when your inner beauty will be muddied, stained by the corruption of your culture. Don’t be afraid, lean on My perfect love. I promise I will cleanse your heart and remove any impurities and once again you will have a fresh, beautiful spirit, purified by My Spirit of life. My bride, even the ashes of your yesterdays, I can convert into beauty, transforming them into valuable heart treasures. Come to Me and My Spirit will refresh the charisma of your heart with a renewed newly cleansed attitude, which will saturate your soul.” The Bridegroom’s Voice

I hope you have a lovely day my friends! May God bless your day in the loveliness of Jesus Christ, heart to heart with Him. He is the best of this life here on this side of heaven, lovely in all of His ways and we can be best because of Him, we can be lovely, just like He is. His loveliness will be with us always, we will never be a God forsaken people, He loves us extremely well in the beauty of His Holiness, His ever present life in us and through us. Jesus makes our lives in this sin muddied world, pure, lovely and beautiful.

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