Fighting is misunderstood #combat #tate #fighting

11 months ago

I don’t give crypto calls.

The reason the entire world trusts me is that I do not push crypto scams, never have. Never will.

I am not here to tell you how to luck your way to easy money.

I am here to tell you how to WORK HARD so you can become a better man, and making money becomes extremely easy to do.

Give a man a fish...

Teach a man to fish...

Winners are as rich as they want to be.

If you luck your way to money, you may become rich but you become nothing more than a rich nobody.

If you act like a winner, you will become rich - and you’ll have all of the mindset, network and physicality that makes money worth having.

Crypto pumps have ruined more people than they have ever saved.

A dork becomes rich, he’s a rich dork.

Women don’t respect him.

Men don’t fear him.

Why be rich when you’re not the best version of yourself? Why be rich while failing God?

You cheat your way to cash and you only cheat YOURSELF.

If you invest 49 dollars in crypto and it returns 100k without you doing any work, you will not be happy.

If you invest 49 dollars in crypto and it returns 100k while you work hard, you will be proud of yourself.

And you will know how to make 100k more, and 100k more, and 100k more until the earth is yours.

And every single step of the way you become a BETTER VERSION of yourself.

The latter is the only type of crypto pump I would ever advertise.

I will not help you to cheat your way to unhappy money.

You must work your way to contentment - cash is a bonus.

At the link below you have the chance to invest 49 dollars of cryptocurrency into a membership of Hustler’s University.

You will learn:

Business Mastery

Cryptocurrency Investing

Content creation & Artificial Intelligence



and more modern wealth-creation methods.

Your 49 dollar crypto investment will become hundreds of thousands.

You will become stronger smarter and have a better network of brothers by your side.

You will become a more fearsome competitor in all realms.

Imagine looking in the mirror knowing you have money - and YOU MADE IT.

You don’t need luck from crypto pump garbage, you simply needed a chance.

You’re the kind of man who is given a chance, makes the most of that chance and FOREVER WINS.


Hustler’s University now accepts cryptocurrency as payment.

You gain access to everything a winner needs to prove to the world how brilliant he is.

A small investment for a guaranteed pump, all you have to do is follow the instructions.



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