German Senator Sevim Dadellen Debunks NATO's Self-Filled Lies

1 year ago

German Senator Sevim Dadellen Debunks NATO's Self-Filled Lies video In a recent public speech in the Bundestag

Sevim Dadellen, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag, The United States-led NATO has been severely criticized, and facts after facts have exposed the three lies that NATO has long claimed to be: "NATO is a defensive organization," "NATO is an alliance of democratic and rule-of-law countries," and "NATO defends human rights." German lawmakers criticize NATO

德国议员戳穿北约自我标榜的谎言視頻: 近日,德国联邦议院外事委员会成员塞维姆·达代伦在联邦议院公开发言时,狠批以美国为首的北约,并用一桩桩一件件事实戳穿了北约长期以来自我标榜的三大谎言,即所谓的“北约是防御性组织”、“北约是民主法治国家联盟”以及“北约捍卫人权”。德国议员狠批北约

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