Abraham Hicks, Esther Hicks " You are source energy " San Diego

1 year ago

Welcome to another recording! This audio segment was recorded on 1/16/16 in San Diego, CA. In this segment Abraham chooses a hot seater with a question " you are source energy. " Abraham explains, that we are the source that we are trying to get back to. There is no separation only the one that we engage in, when we are not in alignment. The more we come into alignment by making feeling good a priority in our daily lives the easier it will be to have those real time realizations of who we really are. We get glimpses every now and then when we are in the vortex. So you ask how can I know that I am source energy? Well that's good question. First you have to want to feel good. Next you curate as best as you can your precious airtime every day. Remember " Law of Attraction " is never turned off. So it is wise to line up with the energy, by flooding it with positive emotions, or positive mood. This is something that you are inspired to do not motivated to do. Remember alignment and source energy cannot be fooled or conned. So if you think you are fooling the universe you are only fooling yourself. An honest perspective of how you feel, should always be measured by you in the moment. Once you are inspired by source energy, then countless ideas will come to you. I would say the easiest path to alignment is mediation. learning to do breath work will also aid you in journey to alignment. With all that said and done. Remember you have an inner being who is guiding you and leading, relax into that more of the time.For further details on this recording and so much more, please visit www.abraham-hicks.com. And if you are enjoying this content please like my video, and subscribe to my channel so that I can continue to bring you this life changing material! Thank you so much for your support, I truly treasure each and every one who tunes in to these videos! Remember comment down below any suggestion that will take us higher into more understanding.Let's keep searching for the golden nuggets.#manifesting #abrahamhicks #estherhicks #manifestation #vortex #selfcare #selfhealing #selflove #lawofattraction #alignment #basking #broadcaster #innerbeing #innerguidance #thewobblefreezone #divineguidance #divine #divinetiming #selfimprovement #selfhelp #universe #abrahamhicks2023#generaladvice

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