SLOBODNI podcast #23 Peter Van der Broucke- Tehnologija 5G je opasna za čovjeka

1 year ago

🙏Počastite nas kavicom☕ vojni veteran, pilot helikoptera i inžinjer iz Belgije upozorava da je 5G tehnologija potpuno nova i opasna je za čovjeka iz nekoliko razloga. Osim opasnosti za zdravlje zbog dozvoljene visine frekfencije do čak 300 GHz opasna je jer će služiti za potpuni nadzor naših života t uzimanja slobode i ljudski prava.
Korisne linkove možete naći ovdje Information videos – Save Belgium
and on YouTube:
Poveznica na dokumente tužbe ovdje
🙏Treat us with a coffee☕ a military veteran, helicopter pilot and engineer from Belgium warns that 5G technology is completely new and dangerous for humans for several reasons. In addition to the danger to health due to the permitted frequency of up to 300 GHz, it is dangerous because it will serve for the complete surveillance of our lives and the taking of freedom and human rights.
You can find useful links here Information videos – Save Belgium
and on YouTube:
Link to lawsuit documents here

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