Mass Matter Function Interaction Of Momentum Intro & Part 1

9 months ago

Seeking the questions you ask, we need to start at the top, or the Big Band, we need to ask, what is Space, what is Time, what is Energy and Mass/Matter and where or how did it all come into existence?

To those questions, on the highest of levels I cannot really say exactly where did it all comes from and why, but starting from the Big Bang, I can extrapolate the evolution and convergence, the emergence and analytical consequence of the occurrence and enlighten the path a little more…

So, based on our own reality, I can take the theory beyond our Universe and elevate it to a Higher Dimension – and this all has to do with Black Holes, with the confirmation of the Existence of Black Holes (Something Eisenstein didn’t have the luxury of knowing, let alone the confirmation of their Unity with Galaxies – nor their Magnetic Fields…)

So, looking at the Black Hole, I will superimpose a reality atop our own, and Start with the hypothesis that when we here on earth are looking at the Bottom of the Black Hole, we are in fact looking at the Top of our reality, and I will call this the “Cascading Universe” where each Black Hole Massive Enough has the potential of Crystallizing into its own Universe…

Now, we can finally start at the Top!

Compression into the Black Hole – wee… down and down we go!

To understand this realm of reality you have to grasp onto something solid – you’re in a virtual world of flux, you’re in a wormhole, and energy arks and the grandest of nebula are swirling shimmering and attempting to solidify, only to decohere and recohere – you are in the realm of Entanglement – and ultimately Entanglement Energy is the Energy of the Universe, everything forever entangled with which it originates, all matter cascading from a “True Creation” from a single source, consciousness or God…

With this said – the takeaway is that “Everything is connected” and that “Everything is Entangled” and that “ALL is Entanglement Energy” in some form or another… so to elevate our perspective from this deep dive into the realm of the consciousness we need to look at the Universe from a prospective that reality itself is a matrix of sorts and that underlying our ordinary lives there are realities and physicality that do go FAR BEYOND our human brains comfort zone…

So, as Matter compresses into the Black Hole, as the Hole gets large enough, let’s say 10 Billion times that Mass of our Sun (this value is a placeholder – undetermined , or indeterminate) The core of the Black Hole Crystallizes and falls in Dimensions and creates a “Dimensional Shift.”

I will skip over the exact details of this whole process, (I haven’t even begun to explain what Dark Energy is yet, so I will round back to this at the bottom…) but just know that from the Universe the Black Hole fell, it is still in that Universe – it is still Entangled in the Universe from which it originated, but the mass has fallen into a new “Level Plain” in the Dark Energy Field

Okay – quick note; Level Plain and Universal Membrane are two things superimposed upon each other, though they are not the same – the Level Plain is the Dimension, but it is not space, and in theory is nothing, or infinity, that is to say – the Level Plain is the level that space falls into – but is not space, it’s more a placeholder if you were running a computer simulation and you said all traffic going in and out of this area is tagged with an orange marker – Nothing could go into the level plain and there would be no tags, or infinity could go through the level plain and all would be tagged with an orange marker

The Universal Membrane on the other hand is space – this is the Dark Energy Field in its entirety within the Level Plane – once Matter has broken free and fallen in dimensions it is met with nothing, no Energy, Dark Energy, Space, Gravity, or Time – when we have that pinpoint first Contact with this new Level Plain, as the Mass from a Supermassive Black Hole Crystallizes into its own Universe and falls through the “Dimensional Shift” into a new Level Plain and creates a new Universe – there is NOTHING, nothing at all…!!!

And therefore there is No Gravity, No Time, No Space, No Energy, nothing at all to hold the Mass of the Supermassive Black Hole together and we get a Bang – a Big Bang – but actually there is no time, space or gravity – so the mass of the Supermassive Black Hole has nothing holding it back – nothing holding it together and so as it expands outwards – there is nothing to measure, nothing to determine its rate of expansions, but it does decompress, and in doing so expands outwards to encompass its maximum expansion and in doing so starts to create space, time and gravity – all of which I will explain…

Continued, Orion Michael Guy

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