5MOH-Preview Ride

1 year ago

A "Preview" of my first ride on the Five Miles of Hell Trail in the San Rafael Swell area west of Moab, Utah with Barca on his Yamaha 250. I met Barca in Moab at Slick rock Park where he wanted to tag along to see what Trials Motorcycles were all about. This was probably his 4th or 5th time riding the trail so he became my guide.

We used a pair of Scala Rider Helmet communicators and to get his voice into the video, I took the right helmet speaker and taped it to the outside of the helmet directly under the microphone hole on my Contour Sports Cam.

Others call this 5MOH or Five Miles of Hell but on a Trials Motorcycle, this is exactly what we are always looking for so I say 5MOH stands for "Five Miles of Heaven". Due to a sore neck, I took it a little slower than normal to ease the bumps and because watching for the paint marks AND look for the best or most fun line takes a little extra concentration. Even so, I missed the turn up the Stair Step section. I also missed the left turn at the top. Maybe on my next ride, I'll take some time to walk the more difficult features and try to for a clean ride.

Barca took a few videos on his pocket camera so where possible, I'll be including the second video in a window as I did at the end. This video review was taken from the first 2 video files out of 48 taken on the almost 4 hour ride. The non-4x4 section of the trail is actually 8 miles with two "Escape" windows that can take you to the 4x4 road that runs on both sides of the trail.

I used my Garmin Oregon GPS to record the track and then overlaid the track on Google Earth.

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