MESSEN-Presentation-of-loading-errors,-for-GVO-support(error july 2023)_3

11 months ago

The purpose of this video is to give you an exact perspective of what happens when trying to select the "scorm" packages, which are what the Moodle LMS reads.

the main error that is happening, once we try to enter the moodle platform. we are going to log in or start session normally.

We hope that the account will load, normally, I will be sending you the credentials for it. (please do not change them) so that they can access the moodle administrator panel.

Once inside the system, we proceed to look for the corresponding course. In this case it would be "mass measurements" which I point out in the video, because if you don't understand Spanish, it is almost at the end of the list of courses.

the code of the mentioned course is the "IC15" is not the only one that has this problem. because if this one fails all the others would be presenting the same failures. but it is the one that we are interested in solving at this moment and it is the one with the last files already edited and updated.

Once inside the course, we will proceed to activate the "activate edition" option that is in the upper left button as shown in the video.

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