Sing the Psalms ♫ Memorize Psalm 7 by Singing “Lord God I Take Refuge...” | Homeschool Bible Class

1 year ago

Psalm 7(7) Domine, Deus meus
2 Lord God, I take refuge in you.
From my pursuer save me and rescue me,
3 lest he tear me to pieces like a lion
and drag me off with no one to rescue me.
4 Lord God, if my hands have done wrong,
5 if I have paid back evil for good,
I who saved my unjust oppressor:
6 then let my foe pursue me and seize me,
let him trample my life to the ground
and lay my soul in the dust.
* * *
7 Lord, rise up in your anger,
rise against the fury of my foes;
my God, awake! You will give judgment.
8 Let the company of nations gather round you,
taking your seat above them on high.
9 (The Lord is judge of the peoples.)
Give judgment for me, Lord; I am just
and innocent of heart.
10 Put an end to the evil of the wicked!
Make the just stand firm,
you who test mind and heart,
O just God!
11 God is the shield that protects me,
who saves the upright of heart.
12 God is a just judge
slow to anger;
but he threatens the wicked every day,
13 men who will not repent.
* * *
God will sharpen his sword;
he has braced his bow and taken aim.
14 For them he has prepared deadly weapons;
he barbs his arrows with fire.
15 Here is one who is pregnant with malice,
who conceives evil and brings forth lies.
16 He digs a pitfall, digs it deep;
and in the trap he has made he will fall.
17 His malice will recoil on himself;
on his own head his violence will fall.
* * *
18 I will thank the Lord for his justice:
I will sing to the Lord, the Most High.

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