RFK, Jr. Answers His Democratic House Judiciary Critics

1 year ago

RFK, Jr. was accused by Debbie Wasserman-Shultz of Antisemitism for saying Jews and Chinese were deliberately not targeted by SARS-CoV-2, whereas blacks and non-Finnish Europeans were. He answered this charge by showing video footage of himself saying he did not know whether this difference in genetic susceptibility was intentional or not, but that several countries, including the US and China, are working on doing exactly that.

Wasserman-Shultz also accused him of making light of Jewish suffering during the Holocaust by comparing Jews fleeing Germany to the current surveillance measures being rolled out during the pandemic. He answered by saying he was merely saying that at least in WWII people had a chance of escaping totalitarian countries, but the technology being rolled out these days will make it impossible to get away from near total surveillance and control of the individual. He provides footage of former CIA director Hayden and Yuval Noah Harari confirming this likelihood.

He was accused by Sylvia Garcia of falsely claiming the Covid vaccine was dangerous. He provides footage of a medical center saying pregnant women should not get the vaccine.

Ms. Garcia also accused him of making a false link between autism and vaccines. He answers by showing video footage of the former NIH Director Bernadine Healy in the early 1990's interviewed by Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News at the time, saying there very well could be a link between them, and the health authorities don't want to know because the public would become afraid of vaccines.

This tweet was removed "by the author" the same day it was posted. But why would RFK, Jr. delete a tweet which defended himself against false charges, thereby restoring the reputation damage the Democratic committee members tried to destroy? Makes no sense.

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