Dr Joel Wallach "There is no law requiring a doctor to cure your illness even if one is available" (It is a BUSINESS$$$)

1 year ago

Dr. Joel Wallach was originally a VETERNARIAN and later became a Medical Doctor because he knew that they have known since the year 1900 that VITAMINS & MINERALS cure over 700 known diseases in animals as they had to know this or livestock would die off and food prices would skyrocket because of it.

40+ years ago (1978?) As a researcher Dr Joel Wallach discovered the cure for Cystic Fibrosis and instead of being congratulated, his company fired him and escorted him to the door before going through all his stuff at his desk. He soon learned that Big Pharma is NOT in the BUSINESS$$ of curing people but having repeat customers making MONEY$$ regularly. It is a corporation out to make MONEY$$.

Dr. Peter Glidden (Naturopath) tells the story of Dr. Joel Wallach getting fired for finding the cure to Cystic Fibrosis

He was the top veterinarian in the USA as he was called in to investigate why certain animals died all around the USA and had done 26,000 autopsies on animals to find out why they died. He later became a Medical Doctor and he researches the REAL SCIENCE and has studied the habits of Centurians who live over 100 years of age and why they live so long. He is now 83 years old (June 4th) and believes he will live to be 150+ years.

He developed the MIGHTY90 of 60 minerals, 16 Vitamins, 12 Amino Acids, & 2 Essential Fatty Acids (EFA)= 90 essential nutrients that the body needs.

Dr. Joel Wallach says all disease is a NUTRIENT DEFICIENCY where you lack 1 or 2 minerals/Vitamins. He has always said he can cure DIABETES in 2-14 days as 1/3 of Americans are Diabetic or Pre-Diabetic. He has many books on how to cure yourself and others with just the nutrients.

He has the radio show "DEAD DOCTORS DON'T LIE" as the average age of a doctor is 58 years old and why anyone would take health advice from them.

Dr. Joel Wallach started the company YOUNGEVITY and finding pure vitamins and minerals to make his main product called BEYOND TANGY TANGERINE which is what I have been buying for 12 years now as a needed supplement as we don't get enough of these Vitamins and Minerals through our food due to soil depletion over time etc....

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