Is Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce Playable? Xenia Performance [Series X]

1 year ago

Welcome to Is It Playable? In this video we'll be looking to see how this game performs with the v1.1.3 build of Xenia on Xbox Series X.

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Clear Memory Page State = On
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FSR Max Upsampling Passes = 1
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What is Is It Playable?

Is It Playable is a channel focused on testing the emulation performance of certain systems on a game by game basis, judging based on whether the game suffers from anything such as texture/lighting issues, audio stutters/crackling or just general stutters. At the end of the 5-25 minute test the game in question is given one of the following ratings: Playable, Playable With Issues or Not Playable.

Xenia Note:

With Xenia still being in its infancy, the usual ratings don't apply and instead games are judged on 3 separate factors, these factors will lead to one of the following ratings: Gameplay, Title Screen/Intro or Doesn't Boot.

#Xenia #XboxSeriesX

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