10 months ago

[Narcissistic Female Behavior Caught In The Act And How To Respond]


Neighbor attempting to get in my head talking on the phone with her friend that believes everything she says (form of emotional abuse she does on and off not only since I moved in but with previous tenants).

Previous to this she was attempting to lay hands on me and grasp me by my clothes as I'm going to work and trying my best to avoid her. I attempted to keep her off me with spraying non lethal plain water out of a spray bottle. It broke while spraying and she grabbed it from me.

She then physically hit me with the bottle several times.(picture below after a day of healing. I got tough skin so it wasn't deep). I brush that off and let it slide while she is still going off at the mouth.

As I attempt to leave to my car for work, she attempts to put her hands on my hoodie and right arm and keep me from going to my car by guarding the only pathway out to the driveway.

As she used the momentum of body keep pushing me away like a man, I used her momentum against her (I know karate enough to defend my self.) She goes to the ground outside in the grass. She sprained her foot in the process. She then goes from that point on saying I beat on her trying to #metoomovement me and play the nut role.

So I'm posting this as proof and what actually happened. It's also video proof on the camera on the video walking just fine even hours after adrenaline wore off. The neighbor has access to that camera though not me.

I have taken advice from police, internet and landlord by avoiding her especially when she chooses to switch to being mean spirited.

She even bangs the ceiling 2am in the morning yelling at me, blast music in an attempt to get inside my head, talking to yourself and friends about how terrible I am as an individual. I have video proof of this.

So I drown out all that foolishness indoors because she's right below me. But when she started getting aggressively physical towards my, I don't take that lightly because I've been attacked by emotional or mentally ill people with knifes before and was taught to always assume the attacker has a weapon and to keep distance between you and attacker.

I've asked the cops and landlord as well about her and they allegedly assume she suffers from some form of mental illness.

She can be sweetheart nice sometimes but it's like something in her mind malfunctions and she embodies this mean spirited aura towards anyone for even the simplest little things that don't tick most people like if you don't want no fast food from her if offered, she will go off! Not Everytime but more than once.

So this is here because the truth always win in the end.

#wrestling #wwf #wwe #narcissist #noisyneighbors

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