🤞WHAT IF the OCCULT SECRET🤦‍♂️ is that YOU 👼 are MORE DIVINE & Powerful than the Devil👿?

11 months ago

Ever wonder where the idea that vampires live forever came from, their connection to Transhumanism, or why they are portrayed to be so cool in Hollywood?
What if this censored platform felt pressured to shadow ban this channel for obvious reasons - like that I stress the fact that the True Christ is within, and you don't need these Siphoning Middle-men service-to self Junior Gods?

The symbol of fascism is a bundle of wheat tied together; an individual fascist is about as spiritually or even physically as strong as a blade of wheat. But together, they have built most armies. Yeshua said, "When two or more are gathered in my name, I am there." What would be possible if two or more gathered with each knowing the true inner strength of Christ? This must be prevented at all costs!

What if the truth is the dark side within us as well as the organized criminals of the external dark side are afraid or even terrified you will wake up and live the REAL truth about the divine Christ Goddess in harmlessness, discernment and respect (and thus the Criminals' Just Ice System are all out of a job!!!) or, in other words, as Marianne Williamson said, "Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate or not good enough. Our greatest fear is that we're more powerful than we can imagine." ENJOY!

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