Dimitte nos peccatum Domine Iesus Christi †🕊 †

11 months ago

Movie credits: Risen and Paul The Apostle of Christ.
Music credits: Don't die on me and 100 Kilometres by Chris Benstead in original motion picture soundtrack: The Covenant by Guy Ritchie.

I Forgive you, but I cannot Forgive your sins or Deliver you from the evil that oppresses you; Only God can Who IS Holy and Triune. He has The Power to Set you Free but you must Repent and Be Converted To His Way: The Holy Cross by Forgiving others- Ask Him, He Will Help you. 'Forgive us our trespasses; as we Forgive those who trespass against us.'

Lord Jesus Christ, Sole-Begotten Son of God, have Mercy upon me, a sinner. Let us pray. O God, from Whom All Holy desires, All Good counsels, and All Just works Do Proceed; Give unto Thy Servants that Peace which the world cannot give; so that, with our Hearts In Obedience of Thy Commandments; having been Freed from the fear of the enemy, we may Serve Thee In the Protection of Thy Peace. Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord, Who Liveth and Reigneth with Thee, In the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.

'He hath set Water and fire before thee: stretch forth thy hand to which thou wilt. Before man is Life and death, Good and evil, that which he shall Choose shall be Given him. For the Wisdom of God is Great, and He is strong in Power, Seeing All men without ceasing. The eyes of the Lord are towards them that Fear Him, and He Knoweth all the work of man. He hath Commanded No man to do wickedly, and He hath given No man license to sin' ~ Eccl. XV.

'And this IS the Judgment: because The Light IS Come Into the world, and men loved darkness rather than The Light: for their works were evil. For every one that doth evil hateth The Light, and Cometh Not to The Light, that his works may not be Reproved. But he that Doth Truth, Cometh To The Light, that his Works may be Made Manifest, because they are Done In God'  St. John 3:19-21.

Keep Praying The Rosary and The Jesus Prayer; 'Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have Mercy on me, a sinner.'

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