A Few Pointers For The P--s Off Ausnet Crew, With Some Power Issues statements

1 year ago

Hello AusNet opponents

I am trying here to give you all some information that might help in your efforts against Ausnet.
(I will also be making another video about power and gas issues relevant to we Victorian. The links to the Norway Sovereign Pension Fund are relevant there, as those links were provided by the Norwegian Embassy in Canberra, after I emailed them a few months ago).
Points I make in the video are these essential ones:
It is all about CONTRACT:
Governments are contracted service, whose only reason for existing is to provide the services we require-this is the only reason for us paying taxes.
-No contract=no jurisdiction:
AusNet have no signed, wet ink, CONTRACT with any of you, and so have no jurisdiction over you or your land.
-So: you do not even need to negotiate with them as you do not have to;
-the Victorian government have no jurisdiction over you or your land: the Victorian Government is obligated to you, as you are the party CONTRACTING them, and failure to honour that CONTRACT (provision of services, only) means the Victorian Government are in Breach of Contract and you can make claims against them-your local Members especially-see my liability video);
IMPORTANT: the contracted obligation of your state government's Members is "...to act in the best interests of their constituents...", meaning: You people
If, then, the state government goes enacting legislation to enable AusNet to access your property AGAINST YOUR EXPRESS WILL then the government-and all the Parliamentarians, are in Breach of Contract-and that is a big one.

If AusNet want to negotiate-nd you don't have to-then charge them a fee.
They are chewing up your valuable time, so charge a fee-maybe $5000:00.
If they do not want to pay, tell them to bugger off.

These links, in part, show you how the governments of this country are not really your friend-at all. And that unfriendliness has been going on for a long time:

Business Under Siege:

ATO At It Again


Power and Gas Issues:



Norway Sovereign Pension Fund



The Government Pension Fund Global, also known as the Oil Fund, was established in 1990 to invest the surplus revenues of the Norwegian petroleum sector. In 2023, it has over US$1,370 billion in assets,[1] and held 1.4% of all of the world's listed companies in 2019, making it among the world's largest sovereign wealth funds.[2][3] In December 2021, it was worth about $250,000 per Norwegian citizen.[4] It also holds portfolios of real estate and fixed-income investments. Many companies are excluded by the fund on ethical grounds.[5]

Governments Will Not Save You From The Corporations-They Are the Corporation-Minivan Jack:


Walter Burien found out what Minivan jack tells you a long time before jack knew:


Click on the page name for the full version, or:


The town that sacked them all:


Gary’s Economic genocide In Australia? Video:


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