Ascension Teachings #12 Embodying Your Heroic Future - Mechanics of Manifestation

11 months ago

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The voice from the Past – Ashayana Deane 2001.

Separation and conquering through Division.
Separación y conquista a través de la División.

That has been the Agenda since 2012.
- If nothing happens then (2012), and we are still around here, then the Anunnaki – Draco competition of Dominion will start.
- HARP – nett connected to satellites, sound and light weaponry to affect people’s minds through electronics.
- Water systems – to infect people’s natural immunity, which will otherwise protect them against the Sound / Light frequencies.
- Political upheaval – Dividing people
- Internet is used to make people come into conflict with each other.

The Maharic Shield will protect you against the influence through the water systems. The Bi-Veca and Tri-Veca codes will protect you against the Sound / Light weapons and Mind manipulation.

The Guardians have something in the sleeves. For example, The New Age people will be called to bring the Right Krystos Frequencies too; even though they are not interested to know about the Tough Truths, but want to enjoy and feel good, they can still be channelling the right frequencies and assist in the Buffer Zone building.

Indigoes fell asleep when they were born here, but they are awakening to remember. They are the ones creating the Buffer Zone around Earth, URTHA. They do it Together. They are the only ones who can tolerate the chaos.

Without them it will be BIBLICAL, as the Anunnaki Elohim planned. They (the fallen ones) want War among people. Divide and Conquer
Indigoes are the First Ones to get hit. They are targeted.
(comment: Indigos have potentiality for more DNA Strand activation, than Angelic Humans (12 strand), up to 48 strands/chromosomes activated. Ideally 144 strands / Chromosomes can be activated. What is our potentiality then? - breathe the breath of life)

Indigos are Aware & Awaken, and Intelligent people.

The signs of Jehovian control program is when people start arguing within themselves. Especially Indigoes. To be Krysted beings demands basic emotional body management. Maturity.

I will allow you to be your Right.
And I will be my Right.

If people start judging others doing things wrong, they are contributing to division. Don’t worry about it. Make sure you do the right thing yourself!
If situations or person really triggers you, don’t let your frequency to fall into division.

Try to find the Good things in the situation or with that person.
Negative spiral will only drain your own energy.
You assist in polarity and division.

Indigoes are the greatest things to be snatched, when you get them into negative flow, they are the gold mine for the Fallen energy transmission.

DNA activation makes havoc in the body and especially in the emotional body.

Emotions are in chaotic form in the planet and that is part of the Fallen Agenda. They want chaos and then “come to save us from it”.

Yes, it is a fight, but we don’t fight with bombs in order to destroy and kill. We fight by increasing the Frequency. Together.

We, Indigos and Angelic Humans are supposed to be examples, not having our noses in the air, but to be the leaders.

Thousands of years Dramas are coming into climax, and we must be the First ones to be mature. The Karma of Atlantis is on the table. All Players are present here and now.

Don’t even label your self during the process.

Are my words Kind before I use them.
Even with yourself.

Gentleness and Love. Make the next moment better.
Forgive Yourself.
And Others.

Time to start using what we have learned.
Indigoes are the first ones who will be targeted and hit, so that they would not be able to do their duty. To put them back to sleep, forget who they are and why they came here.

Some will be invited to Inner Earth, but only few in the beginning.
Inner Earth is highly Guarded.

Balance and Harmony within is manifested outside.
Start within.
Life is Freedom

Enough Energy – Enough Frequency of our Inner Self.
Detached from Outcome.


Inner Balance.

Bon Voyage🧘🤸‍♀️✨💫

For OneAndOnlyAdonA❤️‍🔥

Mechanics of Manifestation video 6
(2001, Ashayana Deane Freedom Teachings)

Music: Peder Helland, BLUE

Latest video Ascension Teachings 11

Breathe The Breath Of Life blog


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