Episode 407: Govern Well Or Be Judged – Your Suffrage Means Nothing

1 year ago

Read full description at: https://bit.ly/3rL1ODt
It is historically, morally, philosophically and Biblically true that we must govern well or be judged. I will be covering the realities of judgement upon the human race, regardless of political attachments, nation, physical appearance or any other natural differentiator in this world. The whole earth, all of creation, are under the footstool of the Sovereign of all that exists.

Short side note: Tucker, like most Americans who call themselves Christians, is only now beginning to understand: Biblical reality.. Watch the analysis here.

To this Judgement I add that your suffrage means nothing. That is correct, the criminal activities of election fraud negates your vote. Therefore installing the wicked to act upon a people for judgement. This is Biblically historically factual. More to the early days of the ratification of the Constitution, Richard Henry Lee wrote as ‘The Federal Farmer’ in 1788,

‘The advocates of the constitution say we must trust to the administration, and elect good men for representatives. I admit, that in forming the social compact, we can fix only general principles, and, of necessity, must trust something to the wisdom and integrity of the administration. But the question is, do we not trust too much, and to men also placed in the vortex of temptation, to lay hold of proffered advantages for themselves and their connections, and to oppress the body of the people.

It is one thing to authorise a well organized legislature to make laws, under the restraints of a well guarded constitution, and another to assemble a few men, and to tell them to do what they please. I am not the more shaken in my principles, or disposed to despair of the cause of liberty, because some of our able men have adopted the yielding language of non-resistance, and writers dare insult the people with the signatures of Caesar, Mark Antony, and of other tyrants; because I see even moderate and amiable men, forced to let go of monarchy in 1775, still in love with it, to use the simile of our countrymen, when the political pot boils, the skum will often get uppermost and make its appearance. I believe the people of America, when they shall fully understand any political subject brought before them, will talk in a very different stile, and use the manly language of freedom.’
What we now see, hear and are experiencing are the skum which has fully boiled to the top through the perverted elections process. And regarding the potentials for those to be elected, Lee summarizes with,

Read the rest at: https://bit.ly/3rL1ODt

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