Dipole Electrons Requires New Physics -- Actual Pictures In CMOS Living Color

1 year ago

This will explain particle physics and quantum as well as neutrinos and dark matter and all the unexplained science and the Atomic Model is now based on "Dipole Electron Flood" which claims nuclei and all particles are dipoles.
It was always thought electrons were completely negative but now it is confirmed that electrons are dipoles but their nature is confusing....
According to Atomic theory the Universe should not exist...gravity is unexplained and the fields in space are just now being seen.
"A new measurement confirms the subatomic particle’s spherical shape to a record level of exactness, physicists report in the July 7 Science.
That near-perfect roundness deepens the mystery behind how the universe came to be filled with matter as opposed to its counterpart, antimatter. Any asymmetry in the electron’s shape, namely the distribution of the particle’s electric charge, would point to a related asymmetry in the laws of nature, one that could explain this feature of the cosmos."

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