A New Beginning Not A New Worry

11 months ago

More than two-thirds say the U.S. faces a retirement crisis.
From: National Institute on Retirement Security

More than half of Americans say preparing for retirement is only getting harder.
From: National Institute on Retirement Security

Letting go can be hard. Your identity as a working person in a particular place, with certain people, doing specific things disappears quickly.
From: University of Washington

You have over 20% of your life left after the traditional retirement age. Retirement Time Analysis

52% of those close to or in retirement do not have a purpose in life that is defined and written. Retirement Time Analysis

In this LIFE BEYOND CAREER workshop, you will be guided through solutions to help you focus on a post career life in three ways.

- Personal (addressing factors like missing a career, knowing what to do with your time, and becoming socially isolated)
- Medical (unpacking items like a serious illness, proper self-care, and outliving your partner)
- Financial (understanding the risk of Social Security, quality healthcare, and being a financial burden)

As noted in the presentation: here are the links to the resources:

Learn more about the 1 on 1 (or couple) consultation.

Check out the 12+1 and 6+1 programs.

Take the Retirement Time Analysis and get a free summary report.

Not sure where to start? Book a virtual coffee.

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