If Exercises Are Making Your Lower Back Pain Worse, What Should You Do? | BISPodcast Ep 53

11 months ago

🎙️ If Exercises Are Making Your Lower Back Pain Worse, What Should You Do?

Dealing with persistent lower back pain can be debilitating and downright frightening, especially when every movement seems to trigger a flare-up. It's understandable to be wary of exercises or stretches that might worsen the pain. However, what if we told you that your fears could be unfounded? That avoiding physical activity might be causing more harm than good?

Our latest article explores how and when most lower back pain flare-ups occur, and the surprising fact that they usually happen outside of a rehabilitation or exercise setting. Think about it - your everyday activities like putting on socks, unpacking groceries, or even getting out of a chair can be sources of strain for your lower back.

It's vital to consider that the majority of back pain is not a sudden event, but rather a result of long-term strain from daily movement patterns. For instance, getting up from being seated or performing chores over a surface, like ironing or cooking, can contribute to lower back discomfort over time.

All these activities involve spinal movement, which, when compromised due to an injury or a health condition, can trigger back pain. The key here is stability. The more stable your spine is, the less likely you are to experience flare-ups.

Now you might be thinking, "I can barely move without pain, let alone exercise!" But here's the thing: If you're able to perform your daily activities, despite the pain, then you can also safely engage in specific exercises.

The trick is to start with simple, safe exercises that promote spinal stability, such as the psoas engagement or the modified dead bug exercise, and gradually incorporate movements that mirror real-life activities.

Yes, the road to recovery might seem daunting, but remember, every professional healthcare provider is approving the logic of this reality through their actions. It's a shift in perspective, but one that can make a huge difference in managing your lower back pain.

Curious to find out more? Dive into our full article to get a more detailed understanding of why and how exercises can be a game-changer in your journey towards lower back pain relief.

You can check out the full episode below:

🗞️ Issue 53 - If Exercises Are Making Your Lower Back Pain Worse, What Should You Do?
👉 https://backinshapeprogram.com/2023/07/if-exercises-are-making-your-lower-back-pain-worse-what-should-you-do/

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