IG Testimony - September 20, 2017

1 year ago

The called and chosen are those God had chosen-out for Himself in Christ before the foundation of the world. He is the God who seeks and saves the lost, but they which come to Him are only able by His grace. #testimony #gospel #peace #healing #grace #predestined #exclusive #vip #allwhowouldbelieve #bygraceyouaresaved #gracethroughfaith #nouniversalism #inclusivismisheresy #foundations #truth #truthinhashtags #allaresinners #alldeservehell #Godchosesome #HisgifttotheSon #betrothedbeloved #aneverlastinglove #believeitornot #busdriver #streetevangelism #Jesuscalls #biblical #eph14 #romans830

even as He selected us out for himself in Him before the foundations of the universe were laid, to be holy ones and without blemish before His searching, penetrating gaze; in love having previously marked us out to be placed as adult sons through the intermediate agency of Jesus Christ for himself according to that which seemed good in His heart's desire, Ephesians 1 by Kenneth Wuest

for those who are divinely summoned ones according to His purpose. Because, those whom He foreordained He also marked out beforehand as those who were to be conformed to the derived image of His Son, with the result that He is firstborn among many brethren. Moreover, those whom He thus marked out beforehand, these He also summoned. And those whom He summoned, these He also justified. Moreover, those whom He justified, these He also glorified. Romans 8 by Kenneth Wuest

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