India's magnet man can now stick 10kg iron on his skin

8 years ago

India's magnet man is becoming more attractive by the day! Earlier, he could attract spoons and nails, but now iron press weighing 5.5kg each clings onto Arun Raikar's body effortlessly.

On Thursday, the 50-year-old man demonstrated his magnetic skills in front of a crowd. He walked around in a field with two heavy iron press stuck to his chest. Intrigued by his feat, now authorities at the Limca Book of Records, the Indian version of Guiness Book of World Record, have asked Raikar to submit video footages of the event to consider his case.

Women might not find this balding man magnetic enough, but his attraction is so much among spoons, nails and small iron articles that whenever he passes by they cling onto his body.

Interesting Raikar holds the "magnetic powers" particular sections of his body -- chest, stomach and back.

Raikar discovered his mangentic properties some five months ago. Little kids were playing around and one of them flung a spoon that clung onto the electrician's back.

Initially, Raikar wrote it off saying "the spoon might have stuck on me because of sweat." But when his family members got curious and stuck more spoons on him, the spoons would just cling onto his body.

Sensing trouble, the Raikars consulted doctors to figure out why such bazarre thing was happneing to him. None of them had a concrete answer for the strange condition.

With days passing by, it seems the "magnetic field" in Raikar's body is become stronger. Now, manual iron press have started stick to his body. When he confided this in family members and friends, they dubbed that he had developed some mental problem. To allay their fear, the man was taken to a doctor. "I have done a through check on him. There is no problem with his mental health. He is completely fine," said Dr O.P. Choubey.

"Earlier, I thought it was a curse of the god. But now I know it a gift of the almighty," said Raikar, who hopes to make it to Limca Book of Records soon.

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