HHLH Podcast Episode 026 – Gun Hysteria and Our Response to Knee-Jerk Reactions

1 year ago

In this episode, the Dynamically Drunken Duo lay aside the topic they were originally going to record (an Oxford-style debate on socialism in professional sports) in favor of addressing gun hysteria in the wake of the Florida high school shooting. Brett tosses aside many gun myths with well-researched facts, and Rob debunks politicians’ and the media’s definition of an assault weapon with the true meaning of the term.

Sit back, relax, have a drink if you can, and listen to Brett and Rob slay some gun myth dragons.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
-Gun Facts pdf from GunFacts.info
-No, There Haven’t Been 18 School Shootings This Year from Reason.com

This Episode’s Drink of Choice: AMFs

Ensure that you listen all the way to the end for an Easter Egg from the guys…

Rob apologizes for his audio. He was experimenting with reflective sound reduction via moving blankets whilst recording and he got his microphone too near the blankets. That’s why he sounds like he’s trapped in a box. He’ll ensure that it is better next time or Brett will make him kiss a picture of Abraham Lincoln. Blech!
(Published 9 March 2018)

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