"Thank you" - In Jesus - 07-12-2017

1 year ago

Jesus healed a young woman (late teens or maybe young adult age) from knee pain today. She was standing with what looked like most of her family, about 6 of them. Only one white guy. The rest looked like they may have been muslim, or at least backgrounds from a muslim country. She did say "Thank you" a couple times though before it ended. Most were walking away as soon as they saw the pain left. She and a young guy, maybe her brother, looked really confused. #testimony #kneepain #healing #divinehealing #divine #muslim #islam #Jesus #Isa #HeisGod #Heisalive #Heistheonlywaytoparadise #Helivesinme #Hecanliveinyou #besavedbyfaithinJesus #JesusistheonlywaytoGod #HeisOnewiththeFatherandHolySpirit #OneGodthreepersons #HehealsbecauseHeisGod #cessationism #HestilldoesthesamemiraclesthruHisbelievers #confused #newparadigm #theywerentready #reactionswerealittlefunny #gospel #kingdom

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