CHD Friday Roundtable Clip

1 year ago

Safe and Effective, or Harmful and Manipulated?

In the U.S. government funded safety trials tend to compare one vaccine to another, or to a component. This is a dirty strategy that enables the CDC to hide adverse reactions.

What do the true saline placebo control trials conclude, trials that compare the vaccinated to the unvaccinated?

Brian Hooker, Ph.D., compiled the results from over 100 studies found in peer-reviewed literature, only to discover “the more vaccinated a child is, the more they have what’s called innate immune suppression.” More vax leads to more infection!

These kids have higher incidences of pneumonia, ear infections, infectious disease and other chronic health conditions as autism, asthma, gastrointestinal issues, ADHD and allergies.

Often this can further entrench these children in the medical system that may have weakened their immunity in the first place.

Dr. Hooker’s book, Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak, co-written with RFK Jr., lifts the veil off duplicitous testing methods by analyzing real scientific studies between the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

It takes real information to provide informed consent! Watch the whole episode of Friday Roundtable on CHDTV#.

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