A Cycle 25 Storm Launch & Aurora Highlights: Solar Storm Forecast 07-18-2019

5 years ago

This Solar Storm Forecast is sponsored in part by 3ric Johanson: http://instagram.com/scubist

This week space weather calms down a bit, but the Sun still brings exciting news. Region 2744 keeps us on our toes by firing the first solar storm of the coming cycle while in Earth view! The fact that these new cycle sunspots successively show higher levels of activity is an optimistic sign that the new cycle is nearly here! On top of this news, we recently had a decent solar storm that brought aurora views clear down to Wyoming, USA and was seen in many parts of the Western hemisphere. Learn the details of this recent activity, see why amateur radio operators are groaning this week, catch up on aurora photos from the recent solar storm, and find out what else our Sun has in store.

For early access to this forecast and more visit my community at: http://patreon.com/SpaceWeatherWoman

For daily and often hourly updates (during active times) visit me on Twitter:

For a more in-depth look at the data and images in this video see the links in my other forecasts. I am saving space here for the aurora field reporter photos highlighted this week.

Aurora Field Reporter Photography:
Al Stecky, Hawkeye Lake, Fowler, Ontario, Canada:
Deb Maluk, Sandy Lake, Manitoba, Canada:
Jo Lukinchuk, Tisdale, Saskatchewan, Canada:
Notanee Bourassa, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada:
Team Tanner, Alix, Alberta, Canada:
Haeli Carter, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada:
Josh Sporre, Laporte, Minnesota, USA:
Charlie Smith, Boulder Lake Reservoir just north of Duluth, Minnesota, USA:
Kevin Palmer, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming, USA:
Ian Griffin, SOFIA Telescope flight over New Zealand:
Paul ChasingNature, New Zealand:

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