covid crimes 2019- 2023

11 months ago

Crimes against humanity

ICCPR violations

Nuremberg code violations

Breaking Charter of rights

Declaration of independence

Bill of rights


This Globalist WEF one world government.

Totalitarianism society is criminal.

Time to wake up.

There are to many weak cowards in society

There is probably a video somewhere of me at a on route food gas bar on the highway.


What fucking retard left their dog in the car with the windows up when its 30C outside. This is your warning. I am breaking your window in a few minutes.

Ppl are not only cowards but piles of shit. Selfish only caring about stuffing their face while leaving kids , babies and dogs in boiling hot cars.

I know Ontario Canada is known for stipid ppl . Its a province of morons

But this is next level evil shit

Ontario should be kicked out of Canada

Planned bioweapon attack on its citizens and the ppl who did it are still in power

What the fuck everyone

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