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The Q Anon JFK Jr. Cult

1 year ago

For nearly two years, a group of #QAnon believers have gathered in Dallas, performing rituals in Dealey Plaza — the site of President #Kennedy’s 1963 assassination — expecting to call back from the dead not only the spirit of #JFK, but also his son, #JFKJr., in an apparent shared delusion that JFK Jr. will be Donald #Trump’s vice presidential running mate in 2024.

The group is led by Michael Protzman, aka “#Negative48.” To his followers, he’s a Messiah. But friends and family members of those who have fallen under his spell worry that they’ve lost their loved ones forever — along with thousands of dollars donated to the Protzman JFK QAnon cult.

Protzman and his group camped out in a luxury Dallas hotel for 5 months awaiting JFK’s return — financed by his affluent donors — then returned for another extended stay last summer. The grift is good for Protzman so far.

Protzman made his declaration that no one without enough money should travel to Dallas because the latest predicted return of JFK would trigger “10 days of darkness” (which of course, didn’t happen, either).

One cult follower’s daughter told Vice News that her mother told the family she was only going to Dallas for the weekend…and then never came home.

“She told me that Michael has moved the dates again, and when I questioned if she saw Jesus, she called me a satanist and the devil and then promptly hung up,” Linda said, adding that her mother has completely changed her personality since starting to follow Protzman’s online conspiracies last year. “My real mother would never do that.”

Protzman has destroyed dozens of families over the course of the last two years, with many members of his inner circle now left with nowhere to go, even if they did want to leave the cult.

This has led to rising tensions between certain members of the group in Dallas, there were some angry clashes between Protzman’s group and a splinter group known as the “Scooby-Doo Crew” who were kicked out by Protzman over money issues.

During one face-off in the lobby of Hyatt hotel, one of Protzman’s most loyal followers struck a member of the splinter group in the face. The growing anger is also playing out in increasingly unhinged audio chats on Telegram where some members are making overt threats against opposing groups.

“I keep saying, something is eventually going to happen, one of them is gonna snap. I just don’t know which one,” Karma, an open-source researcher who has been closely tracking this group since the beginning, told VICE News.

Once JFK and son failed to materialize in Dealey Plaza, “Negative 48” and his followers then attached themselves to the Freedom Convoy (and the USA People’s Convoy), traveling with the Convoy for a few months before becoming Donald Trump MAGA groupies who follow the president to every rally like old school Grateful Deadheads.

In this episode of Maverick News we explore how many otherwise stable, sane, intelligent people fall down the dangerous #Q rabbit hole, and ask whether QAnon is a CIA Psy Op.

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  • 0/2000
  • I listened to this for the first 5 minutes and I didn't hear You provide any evidence of any of your claims so I'm out of Here

  • Q is very real.

  • Thanks for bringing sense and maturity to difficult discussions.

  • These are same ones who think Vincent fusca is JFK junior

    1 like
  • We can dream and we can call your BS….. I believe he was on top of mouthwash more and I believe he’s alive and will all soon see…. The prodigal son will be back

  • Lol. What drivel.