CrowdSource Podcast LIVE: Farage Coutts Bombshell, Nick Fuentes v Rumble, & Climate Psyop Exposed

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1) After the debanking of Nigel Farage, the former leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) and a prominent campaigner for Brexit, a dossier obtained by Farage himself revealed the true reasons behind their debanking. These reasons are not what the BBC and other mainstream media might lead you to believe. This story delves much deeper than anticipated and its revelations have far-reaching impacts for us all.

2) Nick Fuentes, a prominent alt-right political activist and content creator, recently found himself at the centre of a contentious debate about 'free speech' and its role in business practices. In a stream, Fuentes proclaimed, "We will make them die in the holy war ... The enemies of Christ have no future in this world." The platform hosting the stream, Rumble, subsequently removed this content. This action sparked an outcry among Fuentes's followers, known as 'groypers', as well as among advocates opposed to censorship.

3) The climate psyop took another hit this week as outlets like the BBC and Sky News, finding the UK's cool temperatures and rainfall unsuitable for their alarmist narrative, instead chose to dispatch reporters to various parts of Europe to cover supposed deadly heat. Their narrative, however, faced backlash due to questionable measuring tactics, hypocritical conduct, and fearmongering hyperbolic untruths. The situation transcends mere journalistic license, revealing a coordinated effort among top media outlets to employ behavioural psychology to 'nudge' the public into compliant submission.

#NigelFarage #Debanking #TruthRevealed #MainstreamMedia #BBCBias #NickFuentes #Groypers #FreeSpeech #Censorship #RumbleContentRemoval #ClimatePsyop #BBCClimateNarrative #WeatherManipulation #QuestionableTactics #Fearmongering #MediaBias #TruthMatters #QuestionEverything #SpeakUp #AlternativeNarratives #ClimateChange #ClimateEmergency #JustStopOil


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