Woman Saves Fox From Pack Of Hounds As Hunters Watch

7 years ago

A brave animal activist stood up to a group of fox hunters in order to prevent their hounds from hurting and possibly killing a red fox in Great Britain.

Fox hunting is a traditional sport that originated in the United Kingdom and was practiced freely by Britain’s high class until 2005 when it was banned. Since then, fox hunting remains as a tradition in some areas, where they use synthetic scents to arouse the dogs to chase, but every once in awhile the hounds will pick up the scent of a live animal and will decide to chase it instead.

Once such unlucky critter caught the attention of a group of hounds in 2012, long after the ban on fox hunting has been enforced. What could have been a very tragic day for the fox turned for the better when a woman activist found herself on the spot in the nick of time. Just as the hounds found the fox and jumped to tear the poor animal apart, the woman managed to fight the hounds off the fox and take it to safety.

Hunter can be heard in the background yelling “Leave it", which might insinuate to viewers that they are yelling at the woman to put the fox down, but that is actually a hunter’s command for the hounds to stop chasing it.

While a ban on fox hunting does exist, it is not heavily enforced. Hunters are still able to kill foxes without receiving punishment.

Fox hunting is the pursuit of a fox by horsemen with a pack of dogs. In England, the home of the game, fox hunting dates from in any event to the fifteenth century. In its commencement, it was most likely an aide to stag and bunny chasing, with similar dogs used to pursue each quarry.

Fox hunting happens in numerous nations however frequently with marginally unexpected conventions in comparison to those of the English chase. In the United States and Canada, for instance, the objective of dog drove chases is regularly not to kill the quarry; the accentuation is on the pursuit. In those nations, in addition, due to the lack of foxes in a few regions and an expanding number of coyotes—which are greater, speedier, and more grounded than foxes—coyotes are frequently chased. What do you think of traditional sport?

We personally, don’t like this traditional sport. Why don’t they leave the foxes alone? Hunting can still take place without killing the foxes: Drag hunting uses a scent laid by a human for the hounds to follow. Fox hunting can be replaced by drag hunting. Recent evidence suggests that foxes do suffer during the chase. And that is not okay. We believe that chasing and killing live animals with dogs is barbaric, outdated and should stay banned!

Fox hunters chase foxes for pleasure and not because they want to help farmers. Foxes could be controlled by shooting instead. Foxes do attack chickens and lambs, but that is part of their nature. Farmers should protect their animals, not attack the foxes.

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