BEN BIKMAN h | Lose fat mass? cut carbs…insulin down…waste ketones!!

1 year ago
presents episode 953 | Dr Ben Bikman
Metabolic Health Podcast with Dr Dom D’Agnostino

Can gain fat through two ways...
-each fat cell grows larger
-number of fat cells grow
-this way is limitless in storing fat
-can become very large, but
stay metabolically healthy

Majority of people: fat cells become
large by:
1-high insulin
2-high energy
If insulin low, will not store energy
as fat...will get eliminated from body
If insulin high, must have energy to
Hypertrophic fat cell becomes
insulin resistant
-free fatty acids go up
-becomes pro-inflammatory

Strategy has to be to shrink fat cells
-go with low energy [less calories]
-low insulin
If go with low energy approach:
-fight HUNGER [& lose MUSCLE!]
-usually hunger wins
"I recommend: go for low insulin:
1-cut out carbs
2-prioritize protein [animal protein]
3-don't fear fat [go for animal fat]
when hungry...EAT!!

When fat-adapted...
-lipolysis activated
-converting fat to ketones for energy
-wasting [dumping] fat from body


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