How to Craft Audience-Specific - Tailored Copy using the OATH Formula's Reader-Focused Methodology

1 year ago

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Hey whatsup everyone, Jonathan here, and in today's free copywriting/seo training we will be discussing the OATH formula -

The OATH formula is a copywriting framework that helps you create audience-specific copy that targets different reader stages.

The four reader stages are oblivious, apathetic, thinking, and hurting. By understanding where your reader is in the buying process, you can tailor your copy to their specific needs and interests.

To target oblivious readers, your copy should be attention-grabbing and informative. Highlight your unique selling points and demonstrate why your brand is the best choice for their needs.

To target apathetic readers, your copy needs to demonstrate why your product or service is worth their attention. Use social proof and testimonials to show how others have benefited from your brand.

To target thinking readers, your copy should provide in-depth information about your product or service. Use case studies, white papers, and product demos to show how your brand can meet their needs.

To target hurting readers, your copy needs to be persuasive and action-oriented. Use urgency and scarcity to encourage them to take immediate action.

By using the OATH formula, you can create copy that speaks directly to your audience's needs and interests.

By tailoring your copy to each reader stage, you can increase the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and drive more conversions.

Here are some examples of how you can use the OATH formula in your copywriting:

For oblivious readers, you could use a headline like "Do you know this one simple trick to lose weight?"

For apathetic readers, you could use a testimonial like "I used to be skeptical about this product, but it really worked for me!"

For thinking readers, you could use a case study like "How this small business increased its sales by 200% using our product."

For hurting readers, you could use a call to action like "Don't wait any longer! Click here to order your copy today."

The OATH formula is a powerful tool that can help you create more effective copywriting.

By understanding your audience and their needs, you can tailor your copy to each reader stage and increase your chances of success.

=== Tools & Resources mentioned in the Video ===

Oath Formula Google Docs shown in Video:

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